
Ultimate Routine, Mindset, and Checklist for Exam Day

In Medical School, there are a lot of exams, and anxiety builds up for each one, “Will I succeed?”, “Will I get my desired score?”. Over the years, from someone who previously had testing anxiety to successfully reducing and doing well, here is the ULTIMATE ROUTINE, MINDSET, and CHECKLIST to keep organized to optimize my performance on Exam Day.

Think of Exam Day as Game Day; just like athletes train their whole lives for their game day, medical students train consistently for their Exam Day and, ultimately, the day they treat patients and make decisions.


The importance of studying before exam day is the ability to confidently walk into the exam knowing you have trained and prepared for this day. You are stronger and more confident than the exam if you have studied and gained the knowledge and testing skills to achieve your desired score. Your daily routine and mindset while studying will help you achieve the confidence and stillness to be prepared for exam day.

Night Before Exam

The night before an exam is the time to rest to stay calm and confident; end your day a little earlier, around 5/6 pm; if you’re a runner, go for a run; if you enjoy working out, go workout, do something for yourself that brings you joy and endorphins. Eat dinner, watch a motivational video or sermon on youtube, or read a book (non-medical, of course). Drop some lavender oil into your diffuser, and sleep peacefully.

Sleeping well the night before an exam is crucial; my sleep has always been disturbed the night before, but I have changed my routine to achieve some sleep.


You have spent WEEKS, MONTHS, or even YEARS studying for this exam; you have prepared and sacrificed so much to be at this point. Be confident that you will do your best and succeed. You are capable of overcoming the challenge that lies ahead of you. Having a positive attitude and mindset goes a LONG way. You are what you make of yourself. If daily affirmations work for you – repeat them to yourself and tell yourself you can do it.

Exam Day Packing List

Here is my exam day checklist! Having everything ready the night before an exam is crucial to preparing for exam day in the morning. Eating the right amount of carbs, protein and staying hydrated is necessary.

Exam Day Morning Routine

Depending on what time my exam is, the time adjusts:

6 amMorning Yoga Flow
6:30 amCoffee & Protein (Protein shake, eggs, oatmeal)
7 amDrive to the testing center with motivational music, ready to tackle the day!


Having a great routine, mindset, and checklist for exam day can help ease your mind and optimize your BEST performance. I hope these tips help you on your next exam.

If you have any additional questions, please contact me on Instagram @dr.sandrakamel or email me down below.