Here is a snippet of my curriculum vitae during medical school that I enjoyed that made me unique and enhanced my curriculum vitae and my personal statement. Residency programs want to see leadership positions, volunteer experiences, work experiences, and research. Depending on which specialty you are applying to will depend on which section they value a little more.

For example, family medicine residency interviews valued my extensive leadership and volunteer positions; it was a talking point in EVERY. SINGLE. INTERVIEW.
My tip for your journey through medical school is to GET INVOLVED, volunteer, or sign up for things you ENJOY! It will allow you to enjoy your journey through medical school and provide a community of people who think alike that you can connect with years later.
Before medical school, I enjoyed being an events coordinator, creating schedules, planning events, and communicating with large audiences; I used those skills throughout medical school in my education but also for all my extracurricular activities. For most organizations, I started as a volunteer or events coordinator, and each semester progressed to Vice President or President if it was something I was genuinely passionate about.
Lessons I Learned
Quality Over Quantity
Find the organization you are most passionate about and that resonates with your goals and values, and work your way to a leadership position. It will be more of a talking point and valued way more than spreading yourself thin, as I did among many “membership” roles. Although I did outstretch myself, I learned a lot about time management, organizing and planning multiple events for different clubs, and how to help members in various ways.
List of Extracurriculars
Here’s a list of various ways to get involved during medical school to enhance your residency application beyond your scores. Everyone will have board scores, but not everyone will have extracurriculars that make them unique. Find what you like and stick to it to build your application.
- Student Government Associations
- Medical Mission Trips (Global Brigades)
- Local Medical Volunteer Opportunities
- Shadowing Physicians
- Fraternity (Phi Delta Epsilon)
- Mentorship
- Religious Organizations
- Health Fairs
- Specialty Interest Clubs
- Sports or Fitness Teams
- Homeless Shelters
- Food Drives
- Free Clinics
Comment down below your favorite extracurricular activity.