
How To Optimize Your Residency Program Search

It’s April, and by now, you might be thinking, “Where do I begin with my residency application?”.

Firstly, take a moment and be proud of yourself; you may have finished Step 1 and are currently studying for Step 2. You’re almost at the finish line! Keep going; you got this!

Now, how to find residency programs and prepare your application!


ERAS Tokens will open up on June 28, 2023, for IMGs. ERAS is where you will find ALL residency programs and upload all documentation to be delivered to the residency programs directly.

You will input your medical school, curriculum vitae, personal statement, letter of recommendation, and board scores into this application.

Match A Resident – IMG FRIENDLY

Match A Resident is an excellent tool for finding IMG-friendly programs compatible with your statistics. Input all your information, and it generates a list of where you will most likely receive an interview and match.

I didn’t have a Step 2CK Score at the time of submission of ERAS, and this tool allowed me to see programs that don’t require Step 2CK. (I highly do not recommend not having a Step 2 CK Score; my circumstances were different.)

You can use code SANDRA15 for 15% off!


FREIDA is a great tool to search programs and verify the scores required, the visa sponsorships, the percentage of IMGs, and the contact person.

I utilized FREIDA and copied and pasted the Program Director and the Program Coordinator’s information into an Excel sheet linked below. I also cross-checked the percentage of J1 visa sponsorships and IMG friendliness.

Elective Rotations

Elective rotations, sub-internships, or audition rotations are great ways to show yourself to the programs with hard work and dedication. If the program can see you working with their residents and faculty and engaging with patients, they will likely offer you an interview.

It also lets you see if you like the programs and want to work there. Finding a residency program goes both ways; you should also feel comfortable when applying there and later on interviewing, ranking, and matching there.


If you can attend conferences related to the specialty of your choice, it is a great way to network and meet residents, program directors, and representatives of various programs. It also allows you to learn more about the specialty and the ongoing research and explore new innovations.

During the conferences, approach presenters and compliment their presentations or ask them questions regarding their presentations. Engage with them.

School’s Website

If you are an IMG, the MOST essential tool is to check out your school’s website and the previous year’s match list. Try to apply to programs your alumni have matched at because that shows you the hospital is IMG-friendly and, specifically, your school friendly. That will increase your match chances, especially if you can get in contact with alumni.

My Personal Resources

Here is the Excel sheet I used to keep track of the programs I applied to and the information needed. A later post will be coming regarding letters of interest, interviews, and what to look for in the next few months; subscribe to receive the email for that blog post and the Excel sheet!